I love New Years- probably because I love fresh starts and new goals. Who doesn't? I know it's something you can do at any time, but I think there's something beautiful about everyone trying to work towards something all at once. A mass of people striving for something better for themselves. It's a wonderful thing!
I haven't written a list yet of what I want to accomplish this year, but me and Austin have already chosen a theme for 2013. It's called "Let's do what we want". He was the one who named it and verbalized the idea a few hours ago. Coincidentally, it was something I had been thinking about while driving home from work earlier. I was thinking about what I want, and what's stopping me.
Whenever I work at my photography job, I always leave feeling refreshed and inspired. I feel encouraged to do something creative with my life. I feel like maybe I can start a business, even though it's a little bit scary. And as I was driving home, I was thinking about how there's really nothing stopping me (besides myself).

So in this year of "Let's do what we want" I am going to resolve myself to taking more risks and maybe chasing after my dreams. Even though it's scary, and I might fail (which also terrifies me), I'm going to do my best to try and see what it evolves into.
Something really encouraging that Elsie wrote on A Beautiful Mess:
"You need to guard your dreams in their early stages. When you do share them with other people, don't expect a positive response 100% of the time. Some people need to see things to believe them. It's good to get advice from people you care about, but don't ever let someone else talk you out of trying something that you're dreaming of."
Is there anything you feel like chasing in 2013?

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