Monday, 24 December 2012

Amanda's Holiday Playlist

My awesome friend Amanda made a great holiday playlist for you to listen to. Enjoy, and have a great Christmas! XO

I'm Dreaming Of A Green Christmas from alulu27 on 8tracks Radio.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Wishlist: Christmas Edition

Guys, I hate to admit it, but I just wrote my Christmas list. Somehow, it went from something fun, to a chore that went on my giant "To-Do" list. I've been randomly jotting things down for a while now but haven't actually gotten around to making one... so I thought I would make one to share. Hopefully this helps those of you who are also having trouble making lists, or just buying for others in general!

1. I think these red headphones would look cute on just about anyone's head... just sayin'
2. A really cute pair of oxfords... preferably heels!
3. A toy camera indulgence
4. Is anyone else as in love with this shade of yellow as I am?
5. An iPod case for the camera-obsessed
6. Loving the zipper on this purse
7. You can't go wrong with a fun pair of sunnies!

Happy Holidays :)

Sunday, 9 December 2012

The Story of Stephanie and Max

Say hello again to this gorgeous couple! They met in their first year of college, and have been crazy about each other ever since. You can tell. I've always been impressed by how lovingly Max treats Stephanie.

Although long distance is currently their biggest challenge, they are dedicated to making it work. Max calls Stephanie every night to catch up and say goodnight. 

I was so happy to have the opportunity to capture the love that these two share - and I don't like admitting it, but I'm totally jealous of their height compatibility *sigghh*

Friday, 7 December 2012

My life lately

1. Forgot my phone at East Side Mario's in Barrie, had to have it mailed to me
2. Took funny Christmas pictures with Austin
3. Got pictures printed
4. Made shortbread cookies (tasted like Christmas in my mouth)
5. Worked on my cute little scrapbook
6. My new tablet arrived in the mail
7. Had many cuddles on my bed with my panda bear
9. Started a new job. This was my "first day of work" outfit - :)

10. Started wearing my hair like this all.the.time. So cute. Makes me wish I had more hair.

And that's my life lately! :) (besides working - I have worked 47 hours this week and I am e-x-h-a-u-s-t-e-d but so thankful for hours!)

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Christmas Tree: Mix of old and new

I've always loved that Christmas trees generally become a good mixture of old and new ornaments. More often than not, your grade 3 macaroni stocking (which is totally boss, by the way) is hanging next to the glass angel you bought for your mom last year. It's just how it usually goes.

This year, I wanted to use my grandma's old light fixtures with some of my own new ornaments to create a fun quirky Christmas tree. Have a look!

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Pretty New Tablet

My new Bamboo Capture Tablet came in the mail today and I was basically beyond excited. My last tablet was from 1998... kinda old! I will admit, I've been doing nothing else besides playing around in Photoshop all evening. Even now, I'm supposed to be grabbing my webcam so that Austin and I can do a Dexter-Skype-Date. But am I doing it? Nope. I just want to play with my pretty new tablet. *Sighhh* :)

Monday, 3 December 2012


You know what I  l o v e? Checking things off of my to-do list. And, miracle of all miracles, I checked off every single item from that list today. This included burning all of Max and Stephanie's pictures to disc and delivering them. I know there are quite a few of you who have been waiting sooo patiently, so here is a little sneak peek! I can't share them all just yet, because they want to look at the rest of them when they're together (can I get an "awww"?)

Expect more pictures soon + a little background story of this oh-so-amazing, distance-defying couple. And without further ado, enjoy :)

And I couldn't not include this one. It's one of my favs. I told Max to relax for a bit because I was taking Steph's "sexy pictures". This was his response:

Hope you enjoyed my little preview of what's to come! I can't wait to share.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

All In The Details

It's really no secret that I'm passionate about detail shots. They're probably my favourite thing to photograph. And hey, they're important! You want to remember the scene, right? Anywho, I'm wrapping up editing and officially moving on to other things tonight. Working on these pictures really helped me further develop my editing style and learn a few tricks! (In other words, editing 350+ pictures is good practice).

Here are two of my favourite detail shots. I'm in love with the bottom one - especially in black and white. Yay!

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Greetings from Canada

Got up at 7 this morning so we could drive to an art show in Toronto, but surprise surprise! We got a ton of snow overnight. The roads were terrible, so instead we trudged throw the snow on foot to a nearby Tim Horton's for some coffee and breakfast (true Canadians).

The plan for later on is to bake shortbread cookies and watch movies. It really has been the perfect, cosy snow day.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Outta Here

Gone for the weekend! My ride will be here in 15. Eeeeek excitement. Below are some pretty pictures from my life recently for you to enjoy.

 Be back soon XOXO

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Easy How To: Fancy T-Shirt

Hi Guys!
Here is a super easy project I completed in less than an hour. Although it's really straightforward, I always find seeing someone complete a project like this really motivating! So... maybe I'll inspire a little creative motivation :)

1. Find a t-shirt. I choose a plain black one for $6.95 from H&M, but you can do just about anything you want... polka dots would be sweet!

2. Find an old collared shirt to use. (Note: you must be willing to cut this shirt). I picked an old white one I had that was full of holes. I loved the material, but the stitching just didn't hold up very well.

3. Measure 2 triangles (using the collar) and then use scissors to remove. The dimensions of my triangles were 3x4x4.

4. Take your two triangles and sew them to your shirt. Easy peasy.

What I love about this project is that it uses something old to create something new. I also enjoyed how little sewing was involved. I do recommend using a sewing machine, unless your hand stitching is very neat (mine is not).

It's a fun shirt to layer. I would like to eventually add gold buttons to mine, but for now I'll leave it be.

Happy shirt-making!

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Big birthday blog post

Guys!! It was my birthday yesterday. I turned 21. Naturally, I took a ton of pictures. It was such a nice day. Highlights included:

- Lunch as a cosy little local cafe (Chicken Havarti apple sandwich? Yes. Please.)
- Mini photo shoot with my 3 best friends
- An amazing painting from my little sis Natalie
- ALSO she played "Hedwig's Theme" from Harry Potter on the piano for me - soo sweet!
- Dinner with my fam
- A very adorable Skype call with Austin
- Snuggles with Zoey while opening gifts

This birthday made me realize I'm getting older. Wanna know why? The gifts from my mom included an allergy case for my pillow, new sheets, and socks. And I got... so excited. Honestly! Getting older is fun. I know I'm going to like being 21 :)

Super special birthday Skype date! Yay. I love that he wrapped it in comics from the newspaper. Too cute. What a bachelor. ;)